Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I am writing...

I have decided that I will become famous for my ability to write. I don't know why or when or even how, but I believe that unless I try I will never know.
I have the ability to be creative, I daydream often, I have a dynamic imagination and I enjoy writing but, is this enough for being famous or is it coupled with luck, opportunity, right place at the right time with the right story!
Did JK Rowling's planets align at the right moment and she was 'discovered' or was she really a good writer with a turn of phrase that resonated wiht her audience and the fantasy story no other could deliver!
On Jen's blog she pasted several motivational images that show the most amazing quotes, that if followed to the letter and endured would provide the follower of a life that would be worth writing about.
My challenge is to both myself and the people in my circle of those I know, be the best you can be and enjoy the ride.
 Sourced from:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Politics and PR

This weekend sees one of the biggest and most publicised PR campaigns that will grace the media for some years to come.
The inevitable confrontation between Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard will take over every news station from TV, radio, newspapers and even transcend over to everything social media.
The campaign Kevin is running is based on asking 'the people' to speak with their local MP - members of parliament - in order to get them to push for voting for him in Monday's leadership ballot. Seriously, very clever idea. This as he has not yet fully received all the votes he needs to gain control of the his party.
And...he has openly promised that in the event he wins the leadership role aka Prime Minister, no one who voted for Julia will be moved to another post, or even worse, fired. 
He has also attacked the likes of Tony Abbott, opposition leader and the failings of his party in that the people have a choice of whether to follow Labour or the Liberals, and again in doing so deflecting any open or verbal attack against Julia, which would alienate party members to support her cause.
Wow! quite open and transparent.

Julia's campaign is about...not sure! Well, she stated "I am the current Prime Minister" Hmmm, watch this space.

Monday, February 20, 2012

I am privileged...

I have the privilege so few have the opportunity to experience, that of the growing passion of new people entering the world of public relations and seeing the eyes light up to the possibility of the future.
Word to self "I must not lose my passion and enthusiasm, because if I do...cause and effect"
Today we spoke of many things PR, shared our knowledge and experiences and I believe we came closer together as a group that has the potential for many great things to come. There really are no limits.
Each person has a unique reason and passion for being in the PR class. Some have expressed their inner most thoughts whilst others remain guarded, that is their choosing.
This journey of learning the students embark is complemented by the significant amount of soft skills the students will learn indirectly from self-esteem, presentable, approachable and visibility.
I, I demand and even challenge my students to be the absolute best they can be.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Resilience ...what is it?

Resilience training is about how quickly you can bounce back from daily pressures of life. That's it. Nothing great, but some need it. Why. Simply because some people have no capability to manage their day, life or circumstances around them. Do I need this, no. I and the group of people I am doing this with are a mature group of people. Some set in their ways, some cynical and others, open to new ideas. There is also a group who couldn't give a toss and are here because their manager/job has expressed this is part of the professional development. The facilitator has now just taken out a Sesame doll, Ernie, and placing it on her shoulder....and it's meant to be a reminder of being aware of what's happening around you, both positive and negative. This ia an interesting workshop for the young and gregarious. We teach this on a daily basis to our students and embed this as part of their learning experiences throughout the semester. This is a key part of everyone learning, age irrelevant. The exhausting aspect of this is it can be quite draining of all emotion, more mental than physical. She's really now preaching to the converted, or should I say the educated... Three hour workshop...2 hours 45 minutes to go.