Thursday, February 23, 2012

Politics and PR

This weekend sees one of the biggest and most publicised PR campaigns that will grace the media for some years to come.
The inevitable confrontation between Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard will take over every news station from TV, radio, newspapers and even transcend over to everything social media.
The campaign Kevin is running is based on asking 'the people' to speak with their local MP - members of parliament - in order to get them to push for voting for him in Monday's leadership ballot. Seriously, very clever idea. This as he has not yet fully received all the votes he needs to gain control of the his party.
And...he has openly promised that in the event he wins the leadership role aka Prime Minister, no one who voted for Julia will be moved to another post, or even worse, fired. 
He has also attacked the likes of Tony Abbott, opposition leader and the failings of his party in that the people have a choice of whether to follow Labour or the Liberals, and again in doing so deflecting any open or verbal attack against Julia, which would alienate party members to support her cause.
Wow! quite open and transparent.

Julia's campaign is about...not sure! Well, she stated "I am the current Prime Minister" Hmmm, watch this space.


  1. Yes indeed, Keith, a clever idea. So clever that it prompted me to write to WA Labor Caucus members. Good thinking, Kev.

  2. It seems as if Julia doesn't stand a chance. I will be really surprised if she did.

  3. Interesting post. I liked Kevin Rudd & voted for him, but this article from 'The Age' is very interesting reading and gives a background of what he was like to work with from one of his former (seemingly fairly unbiased?) employees/colleagues, I suggest everyone check it out!

    "We need to talk about Kevin"

    + for some light humour...

    "Kevin Rudd - I will survive"
